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Area of Interest:

(Now We have to find out our area of interest and there is a lot confusion......and we go....m gonna research on this topic from now on..............till ll not get any solution..........)

  • Software Development
  • System Analysis
  • Support Specialist
  • Network and Systems Administration
  • Security
  • Database Administration
  • AI
  • IOT

Software development:
Now in Software development there are three fields which are: front end designer, backend designer and logic developer.
Software developers are the creative minds behind computer programs. Some develop the applications that allow people to do specific tasks on a computer or another device. Others develop the underlying systems that run the devices or that control networks.

System Analysis:
In System Analysis  can include looking at end-user implementation of a software package or product; looking in-depth at source code to define the methodologies used in building software; or taking feasibility studies and other types of research to support the use and production of a software product, among other things

Network and Systems Administration:
Network and computer systems administrators are responsible for the day-to-day operation of these networks. They organize, install, and support an organization's computer systems, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), network segments, intranets, and other data communication systems.

Security :
Job duties typically include planning and implementing security measures to protect computer systems, networks and data. Information security analysts are expected to stay up-to-date on the latest intelligence, including hackers' methodologies, in order to anticipate security breaches.

Database Administrator
database administrator (DBA) is responsible for the performance, integrity and security of adatabase. They will also be involved in the planning and development of the database, as well as troubleshooting any issues on behalf of the users


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