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HoneyPot Technology :

A honeypot is a decoy computer system for trapping hackers or tracking unconventional or new hacking methods. Honeypots are designed to purposely engage and deceive hackers and identify malicious activities performed over the Internet.

There are two different kinds of honeypots. They are classified based on their deployment method:
Production Honeypot:

Used by companies and corporations for the purpose of researching the motives of hackers as well as diverting and mitigating the risk of attacks on the overall network.

Research Honeypot:

Used by nonprofit organizations and educational institutions for the sole purpose of researching the motives and tactics of the hacker community for targeting different networks.
Based on design criteria, honeypots can be classified as:
  • pure honeypots
  • high-interaction honeypots
  • low-interaction honeypots

Honey nets

Two or more honeypots on a network form a honey net.
 Typically, a honey net is used for monitoring a larger and/or more diverse network in which one honeypot may not be sufficient.
 Honey nets and honeypots are usually implemented as parts of larger network intrusion detection systems.

honey farm is a centralized collection of honeypots and analysis tools.

The concept of the honey net first began in 1999 when Lance Spitzner, founder of the Honeynet Project, published the paper "To Build a Honeypot"

By luring a hacker into a system, a honeypot serves several purposes:

•The administrator can watch the hacker exploit the vulnerabilities of the system, thereby learning where the system has weaknesses that need to be redesigned.

•The hacker can be caught and stopped while trying to obtain root access to the system.

•By studying the activities of hackers, designers can better create more secure systems that are potentially invulnerable to future hackers.

  1. Thank You So Much................


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