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Internet of things.

In this we can operate things automatically .
---> Like fans, lights, TV, Doors, taps, all things which we need to go and put on or off.
IMP point:
 IOT allows things to work as per logic.

Main Problem

(The overflow of bins in society or cities has following impacts)
  1. Bacteria, insects and vermin thrive from garbage
  2. Overflowing waste causes air pollution and respiratory diseases.
  3. Garbage contaminates surface waters, which affects all ecosystems.
  4.  Direct handling of overflowing waste exposes for health risks.
  5.  Inefficient waste control is bad for municipal wellbeing.
  6. Their is no one to say that bin is fully occupied or please through this garbage and empty her.
  7. So IOT provides us a new concept which take care of overflow of garbage in cities.
  8. As we know without garbage city will be neat and clean.
  9. An because of this peoples,animals will be safe from any diseases.
  10. How to prevent waste bins from overflowing?
  11. Although cities could try to prevent the overflowing of their bins simply by installing larger bins or assigning more staff members on collection services, there are also smarter ways to solve the problem.
  • IOT waste bin in seoul korea
  • CleanCUBE bin in Ascona, Switzerland:
  • Solar trash bin in Washington, D.C.
  • ref:

In this sensors are connected to bin at different areas.
It senses the level of garbage in bin.
When it reaches to threshould amout a message is send via GSM module.
This message is sended to the concerned perso whos responcible to clean this as soon as possible.
If someone comes and clean it then in record it saves.

In india:

 Garbage monitoring is very important in todays world and it has become one of the major issues due to high population density. Nowadays certain actions are taken to improve the level of cleanliness in the country. People are getting more active in doing all the things possible to clean their surroundings. Various movements are also started by the government to increase cleanliness. We will try to build a system which will notify the corporations to empty the bin on time. In this system, we will put a sensor on top of the garbage bin which will detect the total level of garbage inside it according to the total size of the bin. When the garbage will reach the maximum level, a notification will be sent to the corporation's office, then the employees can take further actions to empty the bin. This system will help in cleaning the city in a better way. By using this system people do not have to check all the systems manually but they will get a notification when the bin will get filled.
This system is use to reduce the impact of garbage. In India, waste generated per capita ranges from 200g to 500g. Many organizations have estimated that in India 1.3 to 1.5 pounds of waste is generated for a person. It is even estimated that 47 million tons of waste is generated in the year 2001. In the recent 2 years this has increased to 95 million tons. The efficiency of collecting the garbage is poor in Indian cities compared to other countries. Thus, Indian Government is struggling to manage the garbage. Issues with respect to the disposal has become challenging with growth in population


  • For detecting garbage IR sensors and weight sensors can be used.
  • Weight sensors gives us information about weight of the garbage in dustbin.
  • But by using weight sensor we will know the weight but what about level of the sensor.
  • So IR sensors use.(Infrared Sensors)
  • IR sensors are multipurpose sensors.
  • Which can detect/identify he level of garbage in bin.
  • IR sensors emits the light, which is invisible to naked eye but electronic components can detect it.
  • It consist of IR transmitter and IR receiver.
  • Both analog and digital output is produces by IR sensor.
  • This sensor produces output logic "1" at the digital output when it senses the object.
  • And produces output logic "0" at digital output when it doesn't senses any object.
  • Depending on the distance between object and sensor.
  • Sensor produces the analog output voltage between 0 and 5V.
  • An LED present on IR sensor board.
  • LED used to indicate presence or absence of an object.
  • IR sensors are highly sensitive to surrounding lights.
  • Hence these sensors are covered properly inorder to reduce the light effect on the sensor. 
  • Potentiometer is used to calibrate the sensor.
Output of IR sensor:
  • Output is acquired by the national instruments myRIO-1900.
  • myRIO-1900 is output device, It is an input output device which is portable and reconfigurable.
  • This can be used by the students in the design of robotics, controls and many other design .
  • The NI myRIO-1900 has a ZINQ chip.
  • The NI myRIO-1900 consists of analog input, digital input, analog output, digital output, power output, nonvolatile memory and audio input and output in an embedded device.
  • USB acts as a connector between the NI myRIO-1900 and host computer.
  • It has connectors A and B thet acts as an expansion port and a connector C acts as a mini-system port, they carry the signals and these signals are distinguished by different connector names.
  • Here the mostly used connector is mini-system port connector C.
  • This device can even connect to the wireless network and create wireless network.
  • It has inbuilt option to connect to wifi.


  • Implementation of managing the garbage using sensor, LabVIEW and GSM is shown in this paper.
  • This paper gives solution of how garbage management can be achieved.
  • This method helps in keeping the waste bin clean when the waste bin is completely filled.
  • The garbage managing system and the facility of collecting garbage doesn't fit to our requirements.
  • Hence better facility of collecting garbage and transportation should be provided.
  • Therefore this system provide information when bin is completely filled with garbage.
  • It reduces the number of time the arrival of vehicle which collects the garbage.
  • This method finally helps in keeping the environment clean.
  • Thus, the garbage collection is made more efficient.


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