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Google Glasses

Google Glass :
Google Glass is a wearable computer.
 Essentially, Google Glass is a wearable Android-powered computer built into spectacle frames so that you can perch a display in your field of vision, film, take pictures, search and translate on the go as well as run specially-designed apps. This is designed to be easily seen without obstructing your view. Current versions of Glass offer a 640 x 360 display. display is "the equivalent of a 25-inch high definition screen from eight feet away." There is a 5 megapixel camera built-in to the frame that can also capture video at 720p resolution. There's 16GB of flash memory built into the device, although only 12GB is currently available for user storage.

Summarized  Statement:
Google Glass runs a version of Android, so developers can easily create apps that take advantage of its unique display and input methods.
The early Google Glass apps provide a neat glim-pse into the potential of the headset.
The frame will come with adjustable Pads for comfort.

Design of google glasses:

Google Glass comes in five different colors i.e. Charcoal, Tangerine, Shale, Cotton and Sky.

Weight And Strength
Google Glasses are very lite in weight and are strong so that they don’t break easily. Glass is designed to be lightweight and as unobtrusive as possible. The frame will come with adjustable pads for comfort, and is expected to be both light and extremely robust. It will also have a touchpad along one arm for silent interaction.
They are quite simple as it is designed for wearing as a glass so if it was heavy or designed in a difficult manner so it could have been a cause of headache  for the user’s to wear and use it easily. You can start a search with  just saying "Ok Glass..".
Glass responds to voice commands as well as taps and gestures on the touch-sensitive bar that runs along the side of the frame. You just have to simply say “Take a picture” and the glass will capture what you are seeing.
Just like photos, you can use a voice action to start video recording by saying "ok glass, record a video.” You'll see a live view on your display of your current recording and a time counter for your video recording. Videos are 10 seconds in length by default. To continue recording, tap your touchpad and select Extend video. To stop recording, tap the touchpad and swipe to select Stop recording.
You'll be able to use Google Maps to get directions although as there is no built in GPS receiver you'll need to tether Glass to your smartphone. Several third party developers have announced apps for services including Ever note, Sketch and Path.
Message And Phone Calls.
Send messages to our contacts hands-free by saying "ok glass, send a message to..." The voice action will bring up a list of the contacts you set up on the MyGlass site or Android app. Say the name of the recipient or select their name from the list using the touchpad, then speak your message. If you've paired your mobile phone to Glass, Glass acts as a Bluetooth headset for your phone and you'll be able to place and receive phone calls through Glass.
Ask Question’s And Answer’s Without Asking
This innovative technology is so efficient that, the person using it can simply ask questions and it answers. Sometimes it can tell information according to your environment.
Translation of voice
Google has snapped up voice specialists DNNresearch whose voice recognition tech could give Glass the ability to translate words being spoken to you into your own language on the display. Obviously you'll need a WiFi connection or a hefty data plan if you're in another country, but it's certainly a neat trick if it works.

Google Glass applications are free applications built by third-party developers. Glass also uses many existing Google applications, such as Google Now, Google Maps, Google+, and Gmail.
Third-party applications announced at South by Southwest (SXSW) include Evernote, Skitch, The New York Times, andPath.


1.Privacy is the biggest issue in google glass,which is the main disadvantages
2.Cost is high.
3.Google glasses are not pocket friendly.
4.Google glass also have the biological issue .

1.The first and the foremost advantage of Google Glasses is that it is convenience and has voice text features
2.The video and camera capabilities Google glasses are hi-class
3.Google glasses can be operated by using voice commands or small hand gestures
4.The clarity of sound is pretty good as compared to other haedphones .
5.Many apps such as news related and direction related are available.

Thank you.....


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