How to run lex yacc programs on win 10 In short: For Lex steps to run: lex lex7.l gcc lex.yy.c a For YACC steps to run: lex simple_compound.l yacc -d simple_compound.y gcc lex.yy.c a A.Lex 1. download flex for windows 2. install it locatin: C:\Flex Windows\ cmd 4.You need to change location as follows: cd C:\Flex Windows\EditPlusPortable 5. Steps to run : lex lex7.l gcc lex.yy.c a Output : Word Count : 13 Char Count : 80 Line Count : 7 codes : lex7.l %{ /* *Program to count no of characters, words and lines */ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int c=0,w=0,l=0; %} %% [\t ]+ /* ignore whitespace */ [a-zA-z]+ ...