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Naming Convention

  Naming Convention : A naming convention is  a convention for naming things: Please find below the table for naming conventions: Naming Convention Format Example Camel Case camelCase 🐪aBcD Kebab Case kebab-case 🍢a-b-c-d Snake Case snake_case 🐍a_b_c_d Pascal Case PascalCase 🧑‍🦳AbCd Flat Case flatcase 📏abcd Upper Flat Case UPPERFLATCASE ABCD Screaming Snake Case SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE 🐍A_B_C_D Camel Snake Case camel_Snake_Case 🐪🐍ab_Cd Pascal Snake Case Pascal_Snake_Case Ab_Cd Train Case Train-Case 🚃Ab-Cd Cobol Case COBOL-CASE 🍢AB-CD
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 NVL: The NVL function allows you to replace null values with a default value.  Simple explanation: if( first parameter's value==null ) then return second parameter value if( first parameter's value!=null) then return first parameter as is Example: nvl("xyz","")---->return xyz nvl(null,'xyz') ------------>return xyz

Block adds (how to block unwanted adds from chrome )

Steps in short: 1. Google search: add block : link 2. Click on add to chrome option 3. Then click on add extensions Steps in detail for blocking unwanted adds from chrome: 1. Google search: add block 2. Click on add to chrome option 3. Then click on add extensions. 1. Google search: add block then click on AdBlock link or click on below given link: 2. Click on add to chrome option: 3.Then click on add extensions. This will block unwanted adds from all sites. If you want from specific site that also you can block by manage extensions.

Add items in shopping cart using ArrayList

 Add items in shopping cart: We are using ArrayList Code: import java.util.*; public class Main {  public static void main (String[]args)   {     ArrayList < String > items = new ArrayList < String > ();     Scanner sc = new Scanner (;       items.add ("folder");       items.add ("flower");       items.add ("Car");       items.add ("Bottle");       items.add ("Mask");       items.add ("Box");       System.out.println ("Shopping card items");       System.out.print (items);       System.out.println ("Enter item which you want:");       String rmv = sc.nextLine ();       items.remove (rmv);       System.out.println ("Shopping card items");       System.out.print (items);   } } Output: Shopping card items                                                                                                              [folder, flower, Car, Bottle, Mask, Box]Enter item which you want: 


 Count-ways-reach-nth-stair-using-step-1-2 Code:     public class Main{     static int fib(int n)     {         if(n<=1)         return n;        return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2);     }     static int ways(int n)     {         return fib(n+1);     } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("count-ways-reach-nth-stair-using-step-1-2:"+ways(8)); } } Output:  count-ways-reach-nth-stair-using-step-1-2:8   #tcs nqt question count-ways-reach-nth-stair-using-step-1-2:8

Array number present or not

Find number is present in Array or Not // Java code  import  java.util.*; class   A  {      static   boolean   exists ( int []  ints ,  int   k ) {          boolean   found = false ;          for ( int   n : ints){              if (n==k){                 found= true ;                  break ;             }         }          return  found;     }      public   static   void   main ( String []  args ){          int []  ints ={- 9 , 14 , 37 , 102 };          System . out . print ( "Enter num:" );          Scanner   s = new   Scanner ( System . in );          int   k = s . nextInt ();          System . out . println ( "Number exist:" + exists (ints,k));     } }

Fibonacci series

  Fibonacci series Code: import java.util.Scanner; class Main{     public static void main(String anyVar[]){         Scanner sc=new Scanner(;         System.out.println("Enter any number till that yu want Fibonacci series:");         int num=sc.nextInt();         System.out.println("Fibonacci series till "+num+"is as follows:");         int num1=1,num2=1,num3=0;         for(int i=0;i<num;i++){            if(i==0||i==1)             System.out.print(1);             else{                 //Fibonacci number is sum of previous two Fibonacci number                 num3=num1+num2;                 num1=num2;                 num2=num3;                                  System.out.print(" "+num3);             }                     }      } Output: Enter any number till that yu want Fibonacci series:                                                                           12